About Zach?

Brief Bullets

Coauthor of Texas GOP Platform (TX Platform Committeeman)

Elected at the last TX GOP convention, I played a pivotal role in co-authoring the current Texas GOP Platform, reflecting our shared conservative values.

Build a Legacy of Conservative Success

Aiming to secure a prosperous future for Hood County by nurturing conservative principles and cultivating strong, next-generation leadership.

Transparent and Effective Leadership

Pledged to uphold transparency and accountability, ensuring our party's operations are efficient, fair, and in the best interest of our constituents

Enhance Local Political Impact

Focused on amplifying Hood County's influence in state and national politics, advocating for policies that reflect our core conservative values.

Strengthen Grassroots Engagement

Committed to energizing our base by enhancing grassroots involvement, ensuring every voice is heard and valued.

Representing Texas Senate District 22 on the Republican Party of Texas Platform Committee where we wrote our current Texas State platform.

Texas Senate District 22 Delegates to the Republican Party State Convention in Houston, June of 2022.


Our current Republican Party of Texas Platform. Click on the image file and read through to learn more about the Republican Party and our values! 

Representing Texas Senate District 22 on the Republican Party of Texas Platform Committee where we wrote our current Texas State platform.


Living by the motto "Driven by Principle, Guided by Experience," I've had a transformative journey that started in my younger years when my values were different from the conservative ones I hold dear today. This journey has granted me a unique understanding of the ideological spectrum, shaping me into the leader the Republican Party in Hood County needs today.

My enlightenment to the conservative principles occurred in the real world, but it was at Baylor University where my political involvement truly took flight. I cut my teeth in the political landscape as a member of the College Republicans and the Young Conservatives of Texas. 

The leadership qualities in me started to emerge when I took on the role of Chapter Chairman for the Young Conservatives of Texas. Under my watch, we achieved the "Chapter of the Year" award. 

I worked tirelessly, instilling conservative values in my peers and effecting change at the state level through campaigning, testifying on legislation, and securing media coverage on vital bills.

I carried this momentum into various successful campaigns that helped shape Texas politics. To include, being hired by then Attorney General Greg Abbott during his first campaign for Texas Governor.

and State Senator Konni Burton's historical victory in Senate District 10. I contributed to the special election for Senate District 18 for Lois Kolkhorst. As a policy analyst for State Senator Lois Kolkhorst during the 84th Texas Legislature, my efforts were recognized with the Capitol Crowd "All Around Best Newbie Staffer" award. The campaign for House District 60 also benefited from my dedication, earning the "Best Run Texas Legislative Race" title from Texas Insider. Thereafter, I served in various high-level positions, including two terms as Chief of Staff, with one term as the right-hand man for the Chairman of the Texas House Freedom Caucus.

My devotion to conservative principles is evident in my work on the Republican platform. As the Senate District 22 Platform Committeeman, I've been entrusted with drafting the platform for the entire Texas Republican delegation - a prestigious role I take great pride in.

In addition to my political pursuits, I run a successful Homeowner Association Management company with my beloved wife, Ashley. We are proud parents to four bright, promising future Republican leaders. These personal experiences enrich my leadership style, granting me a deeper understanding of everyday challenges faced by families.

As we ponder the future of the Republican Party in Hood County, I stand ready as a leader who has demonstrated commitment, shown leadership, and has a profound understanding of conservative principles. I'm a believer in clear communication and I lead with grace. I am that leader, driven by principles and guided by my rich experience.

I ask for your trust as we navigate the future of Hood County. I bring not just experience, but a breadth of knowledge, a wealth of skills, and an unyielding passion for conservative values. I'm prepared for the challenges that lie ahead and I pledge to face them head-on, remaining unwavering in my commitment to the people of Hood County.